Quick, Safe & Confidential STD Testing      Quickstdlabs.com
Appointments/Results +1952-300-3001

Frequently Asked Questions

What exactly is QuickSTDLabs.com testing?

QuickSTDlab testing is a lab testing service that specializes in providing fast and discreet lab services to identify Sexually Transmitted Infection or STD by conducting a urine or blood draw.

What types of tests can I get done?

Our lab testing covers a number of tests, including blood and urine tests, and DNA and RNA tests specialized to identify the presence of sexually transmitted disease (STD).

Is there a Lab near me?

With over 5,553 Testing Centers nationwide there is a lab near you.

How do I initiate a lab testing?

Schedule the lab appointment online by choosing a date and time or call our care advocates. We will take care of the scheduling process.

What is the process for receiving my test results?

You will receive your test results through a secure online portal, or email, To access your results, you will need to register on the My Account page.

Can I share my test results with my healthcare provider?

Yes, you are able to access your account. You are in control of your results and if you choose to do so that is in your hands.

Are there any limitations?

We only facilitate STD Lab testing through our partners. The results are not suitable for emergencies or serious medical conditions requiring immediate attention. This service is not part of emergency medical assessment and is only provided for information purposes. No medical advice or treatment is part of our services.